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We pump tanks of all sizes set in all types of locations!

Understanding Your Septic System

Know why it’s important to have your tank regularly cleaned.

Septic Services

From tank pumping to high pressure line flushing, we got you covered.


Offering more than 25 years of experience, Maritime Environmental provides reliable septic cleaning for residential and commercial customers in Fredericton and the surrounding areas.


With our advanced, state-of-the-art cleaning and flushing trucks, Maritime Environmental is able to provide high pressure cleaning and vacuuming of:

​ Catch basins

​ Main and lateral sanitary lines

​ Steam flushing/washing

​ Wastewater collection systems

​ Lift stations

​ Manholes

​ Storm water drainage systems

​ And much more

We also use video technology to inspect drains and pipes.

high pressure water with jet tips in pipe

We pride ourselves at being the best at what we do. Protect yourself from a nightmare created by a failing septic system – contact Maritime Environmental today!

Promotions & Special Offers

​ Group rates

​ Military discounts

​ Neighborhood discounts

​ Senior's discounts

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